George Sherrill

As we all prepare for tonight’s Cards versus Astros and Phillies versus Braves games that may determine the final playoff spot in the National League, I thought it appropriate to bring a little levity to a high-leverage situation. It just so happens that Braves manager Fredi Gonzalez has some managerial tendencies that tweak that teams […]

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With the trade deadline fast approaching, and every post I write seemingly spouting off about “why can’t we trade this minor-leaguer for an All-Star?”, I thought it appropriate to get some information from a better source.  Erik from Future Redbirds was gracious enough to take the time to answer some (admittedly) off-the-cuff questions about the […]

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Now, before everyone attacks me about this being a rebuilding year and the Cards shouldn’t be giving up propects for rentals, don’t sell the farm, they’re in this position because Walt Jocketty mortgaged the future for now, etc., please listen. It doesn’t have to be a big move.  I’m not talking about shipping out Colby […]

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Ok, so I’m not a professional scout – nor would I consider myself even an amateur scout – but it sounds like a much better excuse for me attending the Cubs-Orioles game at Wrigley last night than just “my buddy had an extra ticket.” Some notes from the game that would be of interest to […]

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