Don Denkinger
With 47 custom shovels at the ready to commemorate the event, a small army of Burberry-clad townsfolk braved the chilly weather in downtown St Louis. They gallantly stepped outside of their luxury automobiles long enough to break ground for the first phase of Ballpark Village (BPV). While this day has been long in the making, […]
Posted in: Ballparks
Tagged with: Ballpark Village, BPV, Budweiser, Chuck Norris, Dan McLaughlin, Don Denkinger, Keith Hernandez, Lance Lynn, Mattress Giant, St. Louis Ballpark Village, Steve Kline, Tyler Greene, Vince Coleman
Feeling like you may have a touch of the 96-hour flu coming on? Have a tummy ache that seems destined to make you feel tethered to your bathroom for a few days? Decided you cannot possibly miss Chris Carpenter’s return to the rotation at 1:20pm on Friday against the Cubs? Wait….wut? Obviously Mike Matheny wasn’t […]
This is most definitely not 1985, and Ron “Mea” Kulpa is not Don Denkinger. Don Denkinger was not solely responsible for the Cardinals losing game game 6 of the 1985 World Series, and Ron Kulpa was not solely responsible for the Rangers losing game 3 of the 2011 World Series. Cardinal fans were upset in […]