Tim Tebow

Consider this a special edition of “Not The News” which was deemed necessary due to all the latest news in MLB.  Also, it is Friday, and the home opener for the Cardinals is just 3 weeks away. Brewers make announcement that a special edition Ryan Braun jersey will be made available for sale through the […]

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Pujols Inertia

by on December 6, 2011 · 0 comments

I vascillate frequently between important decisions.  Paper or plastic?  Boxers or briefs?  “Heads” Carolina, “Tails” California?  10 years in Miami with hideous uniforms and a top heavy roster for a couple hundred million….or 8-10 years in the same place I’ve already won 2 WS championships (also for a couple hundred million). Oh, sorry.  I got […]

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