Kelsey Shea Weinrich
While today’s news about Carp certainly dampens the mood, there are still some positive St. Louis baseball activities happening. Personally, I look forward to Spring Training as a way to escape Winter in the Midwest, so even stories about packing up the gear gets me excited. One new wrinkle to add fun again this February […]
Today is the big day for a few reasons, most notable the start of what we are all here for — live baseball. The stats may mean little to most of the Cardinals but don’t say that to the anxious members of the Fantasy community. While a couple of spots are up for grabs in […]
As one of the strangest off-seasons in memory comes to an end, a reminder of just how great baseball can be presented itself at just the right time. The 2012 campaign will feature a very different look in St. Louis, and three Cardinal faithful are one step away from catching every inning of it. That […]
Joined by MLB Fan Cave finalists Kyle Thompson, Sam Springli, Kelsey Shea Weinrich, and Nick Straatmann, we talk about the Fan Cave application process and ongoing voting (obviously) but also how these four finalists are Cardinal fans and how that affects their baseball fandom. Please vote for Kyle (video here), Sam (video here), Kelsey (video […]