All-Time Cardinals Team Tournament

by on March 15, 2012 · 6 comments

If you like March, and you’re not opposed to a little madness, this time of year is certainly your cup of tea.

Only wish that the madness was more baseball oriented?

Well, you’ve got it.

Starting today this site, along with C70 at the Bat, I-70 Baseball, and Aaron Miles’ Fastball will be holding our own bracket busting tournament – one to determine the “best” Cardinals team of all time.

How will we do such a thing, you ask? By letting you vote, of course!

Check out the bracket after the jump…

So starting today/tonight on two of the sites we will post polls asking you to determine the winner of the various matchups. Rinse, lather, repeat and we’ll eventually wind up with a Final Four that will be hosted at a neutral site – the United Cardinal Bloggers website.

Check back tonight for the first round of the Musial Region here at PH8!

Writing about the Cardinals and other loosely associated topics since 2008, I've grown tired of the April run-out only to disappoint Cardinal fans everywhere by mid-May. I do not believe in surrendering free outs.
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Posted in: Former Cardinals,Fun


Peter March 15, 2012

Any way to get a link directly to the Google Docs sheet so I don’t have to scroll within the window?

Cardinal70 March 15, 2012

You should be able to find it here.

Looking forward to a fun tournament!

PH8 March 15, 2012

I’ve edited the size of the window to at least show a full region within the window.

Parker March 15, 2012

Where’s 1886? Even though the team wasn’t known as the Cardinals then, it is still the same franchise that is in operation today.

PH8 March 16, 2012

We had a pretty serious conversation about this, and the result was following the direction of the team – they recognize 1892 as the beginning of the franchise as it is currently constituted – see here: – so that’s how we operated.

1886 would’ve been a contender…

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