John Gast

As much as I enjoy the lead-up to the MLB Rule 4 Draft, the honest truth is way too much misinformation comes out in the week before Ryan Franklin represents the Cardinals. It appears picking 19th serves St. Louis well in the first round, however,  with the 2013 edition looking to score the third potential […]

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With Tuesday night’s impressive performance – again – Tyler Lyons (who is this guy, really?) has continued the success of Cardinal rookie starting pitchers in 2013. Leading all of baseball in 2013 with nine wins from rookie starting pitchers, the Cardinals have relied on one pitcher they hoped would have this success, Shelby Miller, and […]

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It’s that time of the year again, for the United Cardinal Bloggers’ Fall Roundtable discussions.  You can find all of the other question and answer sessions by visiting the UCB site – but yesterday was our turn to do the asking, thus today is the day to do the posting. We asked: It seems with every […]

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What’s up, folks?  I thought I would check in to give you guys the best analysis on the 2010 Major League Baseball Draft as possible by acquiring the insight of ESPN and’s Jason Churchill, and’s Erik Manning. Check it out: Overall, how do you feel the St. Louis fared in the draft? Jason […]

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